Professional Development Funds

When evaluating requests, the Teaching and Learning Committee Chairs will be considering the following criteria: 

  • How does the proposed professional development activity support the College's Vision, Mission, and Values, and Strategic Priorities?
  • How will this improve your skills, knowledge, and ability to serve students, staff, and/or the community?
  • The cost of activity, available budget, and equitable distribution of funds.*
  • Willingness of the attendee to present on what they learned. See Step 13 below for more information.

*Please note that due to availability of funding, we may need to limit the number of attendees for conferences.



Apply for Professional Development Funds

  1. Discuss the Professional Development opportunity with your supervisor.
  2. Fill out the Professional Development Funds Inquiry Form
  3. The Chairs of the Teaching and Learning Committee will review and notify you regarding your inquiry. A member from the Teaching and Learning Committee will notify you of the status of your request via email with a copy to your supervisor. 
  4. If approved, please proceed to steps 5-8.
  5. If you do not need to complete the Travel Memo, (your request only includes mileage, parking and meals), please include the following: 
    • A print out from Google Maps for mileage (See Workday for current mileage reimbursement rate; current 2025 rate: .70 cents/mile).
    • A print out from the conference website or other relevant site for estimated parking
    • A print out of meals included in the registration fee (current 2025 rate: $60 per day per person)
    • Contact Business Services for reimbursement rates, (i.e. meals, allowable expenses).
  6. Submit to appropriate administrators for signature.
  7. Paperwork will then be routed to Business Services.
  8. Attendee will present on the professional development activity in their preferred modality and share it with the college or their department.
    • Short write-up
    • 10-15-minute video
    • PowerPoint