Software Requests


Below is information on how employees can obtain job-related software. Please note that requests must be related to instruction or productivity. 


  1. Full-time Faculty: If you are a full-time faculty member and you need instructional software to be installed on your office desktop, please email the Help Desk at or call x4395 from on campus or 619-660-4395 from off campus, and provide a detailed list of the instructional software you are requesting. Please note: most instructional software requires sufficient software licenses and depending on whether the college has a site license, additional licenses may need to be purchased. 
  1. All employees: If you need specialized job-related software not currently supported by IT, and you have a PC with Windows 10, visit the Microsoft Store and you may find the software you need and can download and install it yourself.  If you cannot find the specialized job-related software you need on the Microsoft Store, complete the Software Request Form for Faculty and Staff. Please note that it may take a minimum of 2-3 weeks for your request to be processed. 
  1. Computer Labs: If you need software installed in a computer lab, please complete this form. Please note deadlines:  Fall: May 1, Spring: October 1 and Summer: March 1. 
  1. Other: If you have a software need that is not addressed above, email the Help Desk at or call x4395 from on campus or 619-660-4395 from off campus, and provide detailed information on your request. 

The college is working on setting up a pilot test machine in two faculty workrooms on campus.  Once these are available, faculty will be able to download and install software on these machines for testing purposes.




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