Shared Governance Committees


Shared Governance Committees


Participative decision-making at Cuyamaca College is achieved in the spirit of cooperation, collaboration, and collegiality. It promotes the mission, vision and values of the college and ensures their achievement through the planning process, initiatives, policies and procedures.
The purpose of the Cuyamaca College governance structure is to provide each constituency group the opportunity to participate in planning processes, and initiatives and the development of college policies and procedures through their representatives. Functionally, this is organized and carried out through a system of committees, councils, and task forces created to formalize collegiality, facilitate communication, solve issues at the levels closest to the individuals affected, and develop effective plans and processes. These structures provide opportunities for all interests to be considered and a resolution to be reached.
The final authority for governance at Cuyamaca College is the Governing Board. The Governing Board delegates authority to the President through the District Chancellor. The President and all constituency groups are committed to a functional and effective participative decision-making process.


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee  [DEI]


Charge: The charge of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (DEIC) is to build a culture of inclusivity that promotes a global consciousness at Cuyamaca College and its community. Our objective is to provide a welcoming environment that fosters cultural competence, equity and respect for all employees and students.


Meeting Time: Second Monday of the month, 2:30-4:00 p.m.



Student Representative: 

Cuyamaca College Council [CCC]


Charge: The Cuyamaca College Council (CCC) is the primary participatory governance body for the college. Its purpose is to provide recommendations to the College President on matters pertaining to the college’s mission, strategic priorities, policies and procedures, institutional effectiveness, and resource allocation. The Council’s work is grounded in research, high impact practices, and effective outcomes.


Meeting Schedule: Second Monday of the month, 2:30-4:00 p.m.



Student Representative:

Facilities and Sustainability Planning Committee [FPC]


Charge: The College Facilities Planning Committee (FPC) works to build and implement an integrated facilities planning model for the college that enhances the teaching and learning environment to improve student success. The FPC is an integral part of Cuyamaca’s integrated planning process, and as such is responsible for developing the college’s annual facilities plan. Each fall semester the FPC will review and rank facilities requests submitted to the Program Review and Planning Committees and, based on these rankings, produce a report outlining the recommended college facilities priorities for the following year. The FPC is also responsible for developing, monitoring and revising the College Facilities Master Plan, and making recommendations for implementation. The FPC reports to the Cuyamaca College Council (CCC) and serves as a liaison to the District Facilities Planning Office. The FPC is also responsible for developing, assessing and revising committee goals on an annual basis, and reporting the results to the CCC each spring semester.


Meeting Schedule: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 2-2:30 p.m



  • Sahar Abushaban (Administrative Co-Chair)

Student Representative: 

Student Success and Equity Committee [SSEC]


Charge: The Student Success and Equity Committee reports to the Cuyamaca College Council and the Academic Senate. The primary purpose of the Committee is to inform, support, and lead campus initiatives that strengthen student access, success, and equity, with the use of student success and equity data and research. The Committee makes recommendations regarding student success and equity initiatives, including those outlined in the Basic Skills Plan, Student Success and Support Program (SSSP) Plan, the Student Equity Plan (SEP), and the Achieving the Dream (ATD), Annual Implementation Plan (AIP), and College Strategic Plan. The Student Success and Equity Committee will develop a shared vision for the College’s student success and equity efforts by providing a platform for collaboration and communication across the College that will result in the integration of student success and equity efforts campuswide.


Meeting Schedule: The Committee will meet once a month during the academic year.



  • Jonathan Wesley, Ph.D., Certified pastoral Counselor, Interim Dean of Student Success and Equity (Interim Dean of Student Success and Equity Tri-Chair) 
  •            Email:
  • Moriah Gonzales-Meeks (BSI Coordinator Tri-Chair)
  •           Email:

Student Representative: 


District Executive Council [DEC]


Charge: The District Executive Council (DEC) serves in an advisory capacity to the Chancellor. DEC advises the Chancellor on District policy development and governance issues, and on matters referred to the council by the colleges, District Services, and/or college/District standing councils or committees. DEC reviews and recommends items for the Governing Board meeting dockets.


Meeting Schedule: First Monday of the Month.



Student Representative: 


Related Resources

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