Scholarship Links and Resources


The tables below contain lists of the most common scholarship
web sites and guides.

Use each scholarship web site and guide regardless of the official names, as you may qualify for  additional scholarships within the resource .  

Use the ❝Left Menu Bar❞ to search for even more scholarships.


ALWAYS  seek assistance when unsure about scholarship or comleting essays and scholarship applications.

Follow the PRINCIPLE: Be part of the 10 - 15% who are ❝IN❞ every scholarship competition....... NOT just completing an application. 

Scholarship Website Links

Scholarship Guides


Contact Us

For further assistance and guidance in applying for scholarships, please contact the Scholarship Office. We are located in the Financial Aid Office at the Student Services Center. To make an appointment please email your Cuyamaca College Scholarship Specialist, provide your Student ID number and the best date and time that you are available. 


* Cuyamaca College Financial Aid Office does not guarantee the accuracy of translated text through Google Translate. If the information you are translating is not clear, please return to the home page of Cuyamaca College Financial Aid and Scholarships, click "Contact Us," and call for assistance, or email your question to the appropriate Advisor. Cuyamaca College Financial Aid Office disclaims and will not accept any liability for any problems caused by the use of the Google Translate feature.


Related Resources

Apply and Enroll