Federal Work Study Positions


Below are the current federal work-study positions that are available. Click on each position to view detailed information about the position.


You MUST ALREADY have a federal work-study award on your award letter to apply for these positions. If you are not sure if you have been awarded work-study, please login to Self-Service and click on the Financial Aid - 2024-2025 Forward tile to view your financial aid award(s).


All efforts are made to ensure the jobs listed below are currently available. However, there may be times when the job posted here has already been filled. If that happens, you will need to find another position to apply for.




Available? (Yes/No)

Admissions and Records Evaluations - Assistant NO
Admissions and Records Clerk NO
Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Office Assistant - Office of the Dean, AHSS YES
Automotive Department Automotive Lab Aid (M/W/F) YES
Automotive Department Automotive Lab Aid (T/TH/F) YES
Biology Lab Technician Assistant YES
Career Services Career Center Assistant II NO
Child Development Center Teacher Assistant YES
Counseling Services Student Assisant II YES
Counseling Services Student Assistant III YES
CTE Division Office Workforce Development Assistant II NO
DSPS Assistant  NO
EOPS/Rise Program Rise Program Assistant YES
ESL Teacher Assistant YES
Exercise Science Exercise Science Equipment Assistant YES
Financial Aid Student Assistant YES
Health Services Front Office Assistant NO
Institutional Effectiveness Success and Equity Equity and Inclusion Student Ambassador YES
Instructional Media Services Assistant YES
Instructional Operations Clerk YES
LTRC (Library) Library Aide NO
Physical and Earth Sciences  Physics/Earth Science Lab Assistant YES
Student Affairs Assistant NO
Tutoring Center Front Desk Assistant NO

*Cuyamaca College Financial Aid Office does not guarantee the accuracy of translated text through Google Translate. If the information you are translating is not clear, please return to the home page of Cuyamaca College Financial Aid and Scholarships, click "Contact Us," and call for assistance, or email your question to the appropriate Advisor. Cuyamaca College Financial Aid Office disclaims and will not accept any liability for any problems caused by the use of the Google Translate feature.



Related Resources

Federal Work Study Supervisor Information

Apply and Enroll