Steps to become a "Quality Reviewed" Course


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The steps below outline Cuyamaca's Local POCR process. You can also find the completed process in the form of a checklist here.


Part 1: Self-Review

  1. Instructor (Reviewee) completes self-assessment using the Course Review Prep Form and Peralta Self-Assessment reflection. 
  2. Instructor (Reviewee) uses the accessibility resources as a checklist
  3. Instructor (Reviewee) completes a Canvas New Container Request Form (Intranet login required) and imports their course into the new Canvas shell.
  4. Instructor (Reviewee) notifies Cynthia Luna (POCR Lead) that they are ready to be reviewed and email her their Self-Assessment forms. Cynthia's email is 
    • Cynthia will assign the 1st and 2nd reviewers and notify the Accessibility Reviewer that they can begin reviewing
    • Cynthia will send the1st and 2nd reviewers sample reviews for norming
  5. Instructor (Reviewee) adds 1st reviewer, 2nd reviewer, Accessibility Reviewer, and POCR Trainer (Kim Lenox) to their Canvas container

Part 2: First Review

  1. 1st Reviewer completes their review of the course using CVC Rubric sections A-C  and following the guidelines for a quality review
  2. Accessibility Reviewer reviews course using CVC Rubric Section D
  3. The Complete rubric scores and narrative feedback for sections A-D are sent to the reviewee and the POCR Lead
    • POCR lead reviews the completed rubric, makes comments about quality of the review (does not enter the class)
    • POCR lead sends any notes to POCR trainer (to use to prepare for norming session)

Part 3: Mentorship and Revision

  1. Instructor (Reviewee) meets with Trainer and 1st reviewer to discuss review of sections A-C, trainer guides revision process
  2. Instructor (Reviewee) meets with Accessibility Reviewer to go over Incomplete criteria
  3. Instructor (Reviewee) modifies and revises course to align incomplete criteria with rubric sections A-D
  4. Instructor (Reviewee) notifies POCR Lead that they are ready for their 2nd review
    • POCR Lead notifies 2nd reviewer to begin reviewing

Part 4: Second Review

  1. 2nd Reviewer completes their review of the course using CVC Rubric sections A-C and sends it to reviewee and the POCR lead
  2. Accessibility Reviewer reviews course a second time and updates section D of the rubric
  3. Instructor (Reviewee) makes any necessary course revisions per the second reviews
  4. Once Sections A-D are all aligned, 1st, 2nd, and accessibility reviewers send final drafts of reviews to POCR lead

Part 5: Badging

  1. POCR Trainer and Lead meet to discuss badging
  2. POCR lead makes final determination for Quality Reviewed Badge

Quality Reviewed badge

Part 6: Submit Course to the State to add to the Exchange

  1. After the course has been locally badged, the Campus POCR Lead submits the final rubrics to the state for final review and the State adds the course to the Exchange