Course Design Rubric

In May 2019, the Academic Senate endorsed adoption of the


OEI Online Course Design Rubric.  This rubric replaces the Best Practices Checklist developed by the Online Teaching and Learning Committee based on early versions of the OEI Rubric.




OEI Online Course Design Rubric


may be used by online teachers as a tool to review their own online courses.  The rubric is also used in the Peer Online Course Review (POCR) process.


The OEI Course Design Rubric was developed by the OEI Professional Development


work group


to ensure that all courses offered as part of the Initiative promote student success and meet existing regulatory and accreditation requirements.


Courses that are


peer reviewed


and aligned to the OEI Course Design Rubric:

  • have met the CCC’s highest level of design standards to support online student success and
  • can be made available for


    cross enrollment


    to students in colleges participating in the online exchange.
  • are given priority listing with a special icon in the


    CVC-OEI Finish Faster online course search.

The Rubric is divided into four sections.

  1. Content Presentation


    - how content is organized and accessed in the course management system.
  2. Interaction


    - regular effective contact (instructor-initiated and student-initiated communication).
  3. Assessment


    - the variety and effectiveness of assessments within the course.
  4. Accessibility


    - ensuring a student using assistive technologies will be able to access the instructor’s course content as required by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (also known as “508 Compliance”).