To submit an instructor grade roster please use the following step-by-step instructions.
Please note that you must have completed your Census Drop Roster prior to submitting
your final grades.
From the faculty menu, select "Grade/Pos Attendance Rosters"
Select the appropriate term and click on "Submit"
Select the course by checking the box next to the course. and then choose the appropriate "status type" and click on submit:
Enter the student's grades in the grade field. Please note that if the student has
P/NP elected then please only enter a P (Pass) or NP (No Pass) grade.
Valid Student Grades are: A+,A,A-,B+,B,B-,C+,C,D,F or P/NP
Incomplete Grades should be noted as: IA+,IA,IA-,IB+,IB,IB-,IC+,IC,ID,IF,IP or INP (The second grade being the grade the
student would get if they did not complete the course)
After entering the grades please check to confirm that all grades are entered correctly
by checking the box and click on Submit.
Congratulations! You have successfully processed your grade roster. If you made a
mistake, please contact Vanessa Saenz in the Admissions and Records office.