Welcome to General Work Experience at Cuyamaca College. I'm an advocate and strong supporter of w
ork-based-learning. Work Experience is one of the most important things you can do while in college. I encourage all students to seek out internships, volunteer opportunities and work. We will learn employability skills and put together our career portfolios. I will meet your employers, supervisors and help you to be successful on the job. Details and forms are in your Canvas Container.
WEX Syllabus Website
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part time employment or a volunteer position
Supervised work experience to assist students in acquiring desirable work habits,
attitudes and career awareness. Jobs may or may not be directly related to students’
educational goals. Occupational cooperative work experience credit may accrue at the rate of one to
eight units per semester for a total of sixteen units, and students must work 75 paid
hours or 60 unpaid hours per unit earned. May be taken for a maximum of 6 units.
You will be able to:
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
Students are required to
complete one goal per unit
of cooperative work experience. For example, if you are enrolled in 3 units, you must establish and complete three goals with satisfactory employer evaluation.
75 hours per unit
throughout the semester.
Volunteer or Unpaid
work experience requires
60 hours per unit
throughout the semester.