Social Work 120 is a three unit course that uses a social problems approach to describe how current social issues affect people. It provides a framework for analyzing policy issues and making informed civic decisions on social issues. This course adheres to the policies outlined in the Cuyamaca Catalogue, 2014-2015, and it meets the requirements for transfer credit to San Diego State University.
Course Content
In Social Work 120, students will explore the role of poverty, child abuse, domestic violence, substance abuse, mental health, sexism, racism, other forms of discrimination, crime and other social issues that affect people. As part of the course, students will complete 40 hours of volunteer work at a social service/community service agency, observing how social workers attempt to assess and address social problems. Field placement practice skills in communication, interviewing, and problem solving will be emphasized in the classroom through small group exercises and role-play simulations.
Student Learning Outcomes
Students who have successfully completed the course requirements for Social Work 120 should be able to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and competency in the following areas: