Free, On-Campus Wi-fi


Students who require Internet access may come to campus and use wi-fi for free. Wi-fi is available for student use from 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Wi-fi access is available in lot 5 and outside the B-Building; a parking permit is not required to park in lot 5 to access wi-fi.


Students have two options for wi-fi access:

  1. Students can remain in their vehicle in parking lot 5 to access free wi-fi and must have a face covering available.
  2. Students can use a desk placed under one of the tents in parking lot 5 or outside the B-Building . For your safety and others on campus, maintain a minimum of six-feet distance from others, do not move the desk, and wear a face covering.

All students must abide by the rules of the student code of conduct.


Login information for both locations:

Wifi Network Name –



Passcode –




If you need assistance accessing wi-fi, please contact the Help Desk at 619-660-4395 or via email at


Wi-fi access map