
How to Submit a Petition

  1. Download the Form
    All petition forms can be found on this page. Download the appropriate form for your needs.
  2. Complete the Form
    You have two options for filling out forms.

    First, you can fill out some forms directly on your computer, and after ensuring all required fields are completed, you can print and sign them as needed.

    Alternatively, you can also choose to print the blank form first and then complete it manually by hand. Please use only blue or black ink when filling out forms by hand.
  3. Submit Forms Electronically
    Each petition should have all the required documents attached and can be submitted electronically via email to



The petitions committee meets every Tuesday afternoon. To be considered at the same week's meeting, all petitions need to be submitted by 11 am on Tuesday via email. Submissions received after this deadline will be addressed in the following week's meeting.


Petition results from each meeting will be emailed to students on Wednesday. Results can also be picked up at the admissions counter. To obtain the results in the admissions office a photo ID is required. 

Petition Forms