Student Equity and Achievement Program (SEAP), Teaching and Learning Center, Guided
Pathways, Online Educational Resources, Pathway Navigation, LGBTQ Center, and Vision
Resource Center
In 2016, the Dean of Student Success and Equity was established within the Office
of Institutional Effectiveness, Success, and Equity (IESE). This position oversees
the implementation of the Student and Equity Achievement Plan (SEAP), planning and
operationalizing the college’s equity initiatives such as Guided Pathways, Student
Engagement and Validation, Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), Online Educational
Resources (OER), Pathway Navigation II, LGBTQ+ Center, and serves as the administrative
chair for the Student Success and Equity Council (SSEC), Teaching and Learning Committee
(TandLC), and the Online Education Resources Committee (OERC). Additionally, provides
guidance to the President’s Cabinet, the Equity in Employment Task Force, and the
Advisory Ad Hoc Governing Board Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.