Questions about engineering at Cuyamaca? Come chat with engineering instructor!
Professor Murray will be holding open "student/office hours" 11:30AM-4:30pm Tuesday in his office (F-303) and via Discord for the Spring 2025 semester. If we need to share screens online, I will most likely invite you to a Zoom session as it allows me to annotate on your screen! If you have questions/concerns about the engineering program at Cuyamaca or just want to stop by to chat and say hello, come on by!
You can also email me at if you would prefer to meet in our Zoom conference room instead of in Discord.
We offer the first two years of a typical four-year program leading to the Bachelor's
Degree in Engineering. Because of the proximity of San Diego State University (SDSU),
most Cuyamaca College engineering students complete their education at SDSU, and our
program is therefore most closely linked to theirs. However, our courses are accepted
in transfer at most University of California and Cal State schools, including the
two Cal Polys. Click on this link to
to determine what courses transfer from Cuyamaca College to other California colleges and universities.
Recommended coursework for transfer to SDSU and other universities
Keenan Murray
(619) 660-4248
Cyrus Saghafi (Full-time CADD instructor and coordinator)
Fernando Loera
Morteza Mohssenzadeh, "Dr. Mo"
Elizabeth Huebscher
Fateme Banihashemi
Michelle Hallack-Alegria
Daniel Mensah
Redal Yaqo
Sam Litvin
Katie Cezo
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