
How we became the First Student Affiliate Chapter

In March 2008, Cuyamaca College, in conjunction with the San Diego Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA,) established the first Student Affiliate Chapter in the United States.


Student chapters have long been the province of four-year institutions with accredited Landscape Architecture Programs. During 2007, with the assistance of the Cuyamaca College Landscape Design Instructors, Kathryn Fulhorst, Nick DeLorenzo and Steve Copley, student John Herr spearheaded a campaign to change the ASLA National Bylaws to allow Student Affiliate Chapters.


The local ASLA Chapter with Chapter President, Chris Gustard, supported the effort and moved the agenda forward at the national level. This allowed Cuyamaca College students to form the first-in-the-nation Student Affiliate Chapter.


What is Landscape Architecture - Click here to see

For more information contact:

Donald Schultz

Phone: 619-660-4023
Office: M-109

ASLA San Diego Chapter

Chapter Bylaws

CSAC ASLA Chapter Bylaws - Bylaws - pdf

Lake Poway Entrance Restoration Planting

The Cuyamaca College ASLA Student Affiliate Chapter, joined the San Diego Chapter of the ASLA and the Girl Scouts to replant the entrance to LakePoway.


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