2021 Professional Development Series:
Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man





"Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man is a safe place to have the uncomfortable conversations about race that many white people have never been able to have. I want to remove the barriers for why we’ve never had these conversations and to provide a free space for curious white people ask questions they’ve always had but have been too nervous to ask."

 - Emmanuel Acho                               


Episode 1 - Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man

summer 2021 flyer


The Cuyamaca College Professional Development Committee invites you to a workshop series entitled"Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man" that will be  facilitated by:

  • Nashona Andrade, Professional Development Specialist
  • Katie Cabral, Research and Planning Analyst, Classified Senate President
  • Moriah Gonzalez-Meeks, Teaching and Learning Coordinator

These sessions will promote discussions based on videos available on Emmanuel Acho's YouTube channel.  To plan for future sessions, please take a few moments to fill out our form and let us know what experience you'd be interested in completing.




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Emmanuel Acho Videos
Asynchronous Reflections

Topic: Intro to UCWABM

Links: Video Clip min 0:00-6:00

Reflection Questions:

1. What are the benefits of discussing race and anti-racism at work?


2. What are the challenges of discussing race and anti-racism at work?


3. How can we prepare ourselves for uncomfortable conversations?


4. What's an appropriate response to injustice?

Topic: How to Move

Links: 1st Video Clip min 5:30-8:45; 2nd Video Clip min 0:00-2:55

Reflection Questions:

1. What are your implicit biases? In the video, they called these
blind spots or “white allergies.” How do they shape how you
view Black and African American folks?

2. How does racial inequality impact Black folks? Why is the Black Lives Matter movement important?

3. What are back-handed compliments, a.k.a microaggression?

4. What assumptions underlay back-handed compliments?

5. Why are they damaging?

6. What do you think Langston Hughes was saying in his poem Let America be America Again? What does the following excerpt mean to you?

7. What can we do as individuals to help build a more just society?

8.  What was the moment when it became clear to you, why people were protesting/kneeling?

Topic: Protesting the National Anthem

Links: 1st Video Clip min 5:30-8:45; 2nd Video Clip min 0:00-1:50

Reflection Questions:

1. What was the moment when it became clear to you, why people were protesting/kneeling?

2. What was the most valuable lesson you learned about yourself regarding injustice during the George Floyd protests?

Topic: Race and Religion

Links: Video Clip min 2:45-7:08

Reflection Questions:

1. How has Christianity been a tool of racial oppression and

2. Can compassion and confrontation share the same space?

3. What would it cost you to walk the path of Jesus with racial oppression?

Topic: Karen and Cancel Culture

Links: Video Clip min 10:15-15:21

Reflection Questions:

1. What is the difference between being “not racist” and being antiracist?

2. What does white privilege mean?

3. Why is it difficult to admit white privilege?

4. Have you ever weaponized your whiteness?

5. Have you witnessed others weaponizing their whiteness? How did you react or intervene?

6. How does “cancel culture” impact our progress towards being an anti-racist society?

7. What can we do at Cuyamaca College to mend the fractures institutional racism created and perpetuates?

Cuyamaca Equity Webpages
Cultural Competency Course offered at GC

Cross-Cultural Studies 115

Transfers to: CSU, UC (credit limited: see page 55)



Achieving cultural competency is a process involving human interaction. This course provides a framework for critical reflection, knowledge acquisition, dialogue and best practices. It includes theoretical and practical explorations of attitudes, behavior, institutions, and policies. Students gain skills with people of diverse cultures, languages, socio-economic classes, races, ethnic backgrounds, religions, sexual and gender orientations, special needs and other social identities. Students begin their work toward cultural proficiency by operationalizing, or practicing, cross-cultural knowledge and skills. The course examines privilege and oppression, intersectionality of identities, various groups, barriers to equal access and opportunity, and how cross-cultural competence moves people and institutions toward practices of inclusiveness.



3.00 CEUs


Reading Material:
A. How to be an Anti-Racist, Ibram Kendi
B. Make Change, Shaun King
C. Medical Apartheid, Harriet A. Washington
D. Caste, Isabel Wilkerson
E. Seeing Race Again, Crenshaw, Harris, HoSang, Lipsitz
F. Between the World and Me, TA-Nehsi Coates
G. White Fragility, Robin DiAngelo
H. The Origin of California's Community Colleges | The League (ccleague.org)