College-wide Evaluation and Planning


Cuyamaca College engages in a continuous cycle of planning, implementation, evaluation, and improvement. The


2016-2022 Strategic Plan


serves as the basis for college planning and resource allocation priorities. The College's 2016-2022 strategic goals are:

  • Acceleration
  • Guided Student Pathways
  • Student Validation and Engagement
  • Organizational Health

The College's strategic goals are linked to unit-level planning through the program review process. The College has identified several indicators of performance related to each of these strategic goals and evaluates progress on each goal throughout the year.


The annual planning and evaluation retreat, held each spring, is the culmination of college evaluation efforts for the academic year. During the retreat, members of the College's various constituent and governance groups discuss key performance indicator data and progress toward strategic goals in light of our established standards of performance and aspirational performance targets, which include Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI) indicator targets.


Documentation and materials from each of the retreats can be accessed via the links below.

Spring 2018 Planning and Evaluation Retreat Materials

Spring 2017 Planning and Evaluation Retreat Materials